When usual social modes of greetings could get you sick, what's the way out? Covid 19, among other things, can only be contained by literally keeping a distance - precisely one metre. So no more, handshakes, high fives, peck on the cheek, air kissing, hugging or kissing. Not expressing your love for those close to you is, sadly, the best way to keep the infection at bay. But little does Covid know about humans. We do find a way out. From adopting the ancient Indian namaste to the innovative Wuhan shake, people across the globe have surely found ways to keep things social. Let's take a look at the various methods of greetings that have replaced hand to hand and face to face contacts.
Namaste India
The classic Indian form of greeting is one of the most popular form of etiquette now. Prince Charles was the first to adopt this greeting and soon many other world leaders like US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron followed suit. While the world took up it as a fun way of showing respect, a certain section of Indians have gone into orgasmic levels of euphoria. Right wing Hindus are celebrating this as the victory of Indian culture. Now they have prescribed drinking a shot of gaumuthra (cow urine) daily to counter corona and every other ailments known to man. For better results burn gobar (cow dung) incense while drinking!!
While you ponder on the curative properties of gaumuthra, here is Indian actress Sanya Malhotra giving you a demo of doing a proper namaste. Just hold your palms together close to your chest and voila, you've done it. NB: The head shake is optional.
You can also try Wai, the Thai version of namaste. Just do the namaste and bow your head a bit. That's it.
Wuhan Shake
The Chinese came out with a fun alternative to casual greetings like high fives or fist bumps. Having originated from the epicentre of the novel corona virus outbreak, this method is known as the Wuhan Shake. Quite apt and very simple too. Lift your right foot and tap the right foot of the other person and repeat with the left.
Elbow Bump
The Elbow Bump became the greeting of choice during the during the avian flu scare of 2006, the 2009 swine flu outbreak and the Ebola outbreak of 2014, all spread through contact. It has made a comeback with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Recently US Democratic presidential hopefuls Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were seen doing the Elbow Bump during a debate. See how gingerly Bernie 'the Bern' Sanders approaches Biden. Perhaps he thought the former vice president and army veteran is going to do some sort of arm bar.
The Elbow Bump is pretty easy. Just touch your elbow with the other person's. And that's it.
The Islamic greeting is another great option to show respect. You can keep your distance and the emotion is conveyed. Practiced widely among Arabia and Muslims across the world, this gesture represents a wish for peace and respect. This is how you do it. Raise your right hand, with the palm to your face and slightly bow your head. And smile, of course.
Japanese Bow
Another ancient form of greeting that is perfect during a pandemic is the Japanese style. Renowned for their elaborate etiquette, the Japanese proudly holds on to their traditions despite being the most technologically advanced people in the world. Though there are several ways to show respect in the Japanese society based on social positions, we can go with the most basic form. When you meet an acquaintance or even someone in an official capacity, keep your hands to your sides and bend your upper body slightly.
Hug Yourself
Nothing beats a hug when one's in distress. And that's exactly what we are supposed to avoid during a corona outbreak. Still, we can show the love and concern with a self hug when you meet those your care about. Just hold yourself and share a warm smile. Though not same as a real hug, it still works. Try it.
Kisses. Let Them Fly
Intimacy, the physical one, has taken a hit. A peck on the cheek, a respectful kiss on the palm, an all out lip-lock with ample tongue play are all on hold. Parents cannot kiss their kids and the kids cannot kiss their parents. Heck, the parents cannot kiss each other. Formal kisses and lovers' kisses are all in jeopardy because the secretions from your mouth and nose are carriers of corona virus. But despair not, as long as you have lips and love in your hearts, you can rely on the classic Flying Kiss. I believe no one needs a demo for this one.
PS: Cathy Bates in Misery is not a role model.
Go Vulcan
Though the ones mentioned above are all good, my personal choice will be the Vulcan Salute. It was devised by the original Spock, Leonard Nemoy, in the 1960s while playing the iconic character from the epochal sci-fi series Star Trek. Spock who? Ignoramuses use your quarantine time to catch up on this classic series.
According to his own admission Nemoy's salutation was the "double-fingered version" of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's famous victory sign. Though it seems easy, some might need a bit of practice to master this. Raise your arm forward, split the fingers between the ring finger and the index finger, all the while keeping the thumb extended. And it accompanies the classic line 'Live Long and Prosper'. There is no cooler way to say hi and bye in the time of Corona. With deep respects to Mr Spock, I suggest doing the Vulcan Salute with a smile, even if it's covered by a mask.
There are many traditional and creative forms of no-contact greetings. Do add your suggestions in the comment box. Let's get the better of this bug, together, in mind and spirit. We'll keep the bodies at a distance for now. Live Long And Prosper.
Good options to educate people.